This article is a checklist of essential steps to migrate an existing network license over to a new server machine with minimal downtime. In our testing, we found downtime for end users should be no longer than about 5 or 10 minutes. Most of the installation and configuration on the new server can be done without a software license. There are only a few simple steps at the end required to deactivate the existing license from the old server and activate the new license on the new server (Windows Server 2012 R2 and later is supported).
Note: License server installation requires C++ redistributable package, which may require a restart of the server. It is recommended that you perform this restart after finishing the entire installation process (i.e. during your routine restart later on). |
Follow these steps to migrate the network license. We will start on the New Server.
Install the GoldSim License Server Activation Utility (GLSActUtil) on the New Server
The steps in this section do not require any downtime for end users.
- Download the latest version of the GoldSim License Server Activation Utility (GLSActUtil_1.2_Setup.exe) installer from here (in the "Summary of Downloads" section).
- Install GLSActUtil as administrator
- If you already have an older version of GLSActUtil installed, click "Yes" when asked to upgrade
- Click "Install"
- If prompted to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package (restart may be required - you can postpone restart until after the entire setup process is complete)
- After successful installation, start up GLSActUtil. You should see a dialog like that shown below.
- Do not activate the license yet. This will be done later.
- Do not activate the license yet. This will be done later.
- Click "Close"
Refer to the GoldSim License Server Activation Utility User's Guide for a more detailed description of the installation and use of GLSActUtil.
Install the Flexnet Publisher License Server (FNPLS) on the New Server
Follow these steps on the new server machine to install the FNPLS. The steps in this section do not require any downtime for end users.
- Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 11. There are 2 options available:
- Open Source Java Runtime Environment, hosted by IBM: Semeru Runtimes Downloads – IBM Developer, version 11 (LTS) and download the latest version of Java 11
- Oracle Java Runtime Environment (license required for commercial use): Java Archive Downloads - Java SE
- Open Source Java Runtime Environment, hosted by IBM: Semeru Runtimes Downloads – IBM Developer, version 11 (LTS) and download the latest version of Java 11
- Download the latest version of the Flexnet Publisher License Server (FNPLS), or "lmadmin", installer from this page (in the "Summary of Downloads" section). Note: these instructions adopt a 32-bit FNPLS installer on a 64-bit OS.
- Install lmadmin as administrator (right-click the installer and choose "Run as Administrator")
- Step through the FNPLS installation steps and accept defaults for installation directory and data folder location in steps 1-3
- In the step "Import files from Previous...", do *not* choose "import files"
- On the step "Pre-Installation Summary", click "Install"
- On the step "Important Information", Check box for "install Visual C++ Redistributable Package"
- Click "Next" to begin installation of the redistributable package
- If an older version of the redistributables already exists, choose "Repair"
- If asked to restart the computer after installation, click "Close" to postpone the restart until after the entire setup is complete
- Click "Finish"
- Accept the default HTTP Port Number value 8090. Enter a 5-digit port number in the License Server Port Number field. For security purposes, best practice is not to use a default port number. Instead, define a fixed port number that is outside of the 27000 and 27009 range. Click "Next".
- Accept the default values on the next page:
- In step "Service Configuration", check box for "Run as a service"
- Finally, you should see the last window showing successful installation. Click "Done".
- Installation of the FNPLS is now complete. Flexera provides a document, FlexNet Publisher: License Administration Guide, which serves as the definitive guide for installation and configuration of the FNPLS.
Install the GoldSim Vendor Daemon (GTG.exe) on the New Server
The steps in this section do not require any downtime for end users.
- In File Explorer, copy the following folder to the clipboard:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GTG\GoldSim License Server Activation Utility\GTG
- Paste this folder to this location:
C:\Program Files\FlexNet Publisher 64-bit License Server Manager
- Open Windows Services and find the service called "lmadmin64"
- Right-click on this service and select 'Start' (or click the "Start" hyperlink)
- Open a browser window and type "localhost:8090" in the address bar. You should now see the license server web GUI
- Login to the Administration side (Administration tab in top right corner)
- For the first time, the username and password are both "admin".
- After you enter that, you will be asked to create a new password.
- Click on the "Vendor Daemon Configuration" tab
- Click the "Import License" button then "Choose File"
- Browse to and select GTG.lic, located in
C:\Program Files\FlexNet Publisher 64-bit License Server Manager\GTG
- click "Open" to import the license file
- Check the box to "Overwrite License File" on License Server
- Click "Import License"
- If the file imports successfully, you should see the following message:
- Click OK.
- The Daemon will now appear in the list with its status set to "Down".
- Click on the line item and you will see the Daemon configuration page
- Scroll down to the Vendor Daemon Port section and select the option to "Use this Port"
- Type in a 5-digit port number (between 50001 and 59999). You must specify a specific port number if you are communicating across an Internet firewall. Do not use the default port. The example below shows an example port number.
- Click the "Save" button to apply this change
Return the License from the old Server
This is the part that requires downtime for end-users. It is estimated that the license will stop working for up to 5 or 10 minutes. Please notify all end users of this downtime before continuing.
- On the old server, start GLSActUtil
- Most likely, you will see the following message:
- Click "OK" to dismiss it.
- Most likely, you will see the following message:
- You should see the Network License Management dialog with at least 1 active license shown.
- Under the Fulfillment Details, make sure the current license you wish to transfer is shown (not expired).
- Copy the Activation ID to the clipboard and save to a file that you can access on the new server.
- Click on the "Return" button to return the license.
- If successful, you should see a message indicating successful return
- The Network license is now returned (as indicated by details being removed from the screen):
- Close the GLSActUtil dialog.
Activate the License on the New Server
This is a continuation of the previous section wherein end-users are experiencing a short downtime. The next steps should take less than 2 additional minutes.
- Start the GLSActUtil on the new server
- Click the "Activate..." button, paste in the Activation ID we copied on the old server and click "Activate"
- You should see a message indicating successful activation
- Open a browser window and type "localhost:8090" in the address bar. You should now see the license server web GUI
- Login to the Administration side (Administration tab in top right corner)
- Click on the "Vendor Daemon Configuration" tab
- Start the vendor daemon
- You should see notification that the daemon is starting up
- Click on the System Information tab
- Click on the Vendor Daemon tab again. You should now see daemon is up! (Note: the version number shown here -11.16- refers to the FNP Toolkit. The toolkit should not be confused with theFNPLS, which has a different version number.)
- Make sure the correct port number is also shown on this page (if not, you will need to stop the daemon and change it now)
- Test a GoldSim client on the server machine and make sure you can connect to the license using the port number @ computer name (for example, 52188@isq-l-jasonx220 on my computer).
- Test a GoldSim client on a different machine that is connected to the server.
If you have any problems during this process, please let us know and also indicate the specific step you were on when the problem occurred.
Downtime is now over. You can inform all users that the license server is now actively serving license(s).
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