Time Series & Lookup Tables
- Precipitation Time Series Imputation
- Randomly Sample Historical Dataset by Year and Month
- Time Series Time Shifting for Elapsed Time Simulations
- Time Series Element
- Lookup Table Element
- Lookup Table Functions
- Array Time Series Elements
- Import a Time Series from a Spreadsheet
- Multiple Series with a Time Series Element
- Lookup Table Interpolation and Extrapolation
- Linking Lookup Table Element to a Spreadsheet
- Generate Statistic Time History
- Modeling Seasonality Using a Lookup Table
- Recording and Linking Time Series
- Dynamic Lookup Using Arrays
- Time Series Mean
- Time Shifting Historic Time Series Data
- Time Series Wrapping Behavior
- Extrapolation of Time Series
- Spline Interpolation of Monthly Time Series Data
- Cubic Spline Interpolation of Time Series Data
- Spline Interpolation of a 1-D Lookup Table
- Phase X-Y Plot for Paired Time Series
- Shifting Time Series Data