When a discrete event is generated in GoldSim by certain types of elements (e.g., a Timed Event, an Event Delay, or a Discrete Change Delay), the events may not fall exactly on a “scheduled” time step. In these cases, GoldSim inserts extra time steps in order to calculate values more accurately, though these extra time steps are not shown on the result table. Other "events" in GoldSim can also cause an unscheduled time step (e.g., a Reservoir hitting an upper or lower bound, or use of a At Stock Test trigger).
All examples are set up to use a Time History Result element to directly show the unscheduled step being inserted.
The three examples are set up as different SubModels. A SubModel is simply a model within a model - so you can think of these as three separate models. As a result, each model only shows the inserted steps for that example. Each SubModel has a 10 day duration with a 1 day time step (the main model is static). You explore a SubModel just as you explore a Container.
To Open the Model File:
- Start GoldSim
- Click on the File and select Open Example...
- Browse to General Examples --> Running
- Select the file called UnscheduledTimeSteps.gsm
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