The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate GoldSim software capabilities that can be useful in analyzing time series data. This will not be instruction on time series analysis theory. Instead, it is how to use GoldSim’s features to perform functions on time series, should you want to do certain types of time series analysis. Below are the topics to be covered:
- Data Definitions: Data sources, represents, time units
- Advanced TS properties: Primary output, rate of change output, multiple series, time shifting (with wrap around)
- Lookup Functions: datetime vs. duration
- Time series to array: Vector and Matrix constructors
- Submodels: How they operate and how to set them up to run as a pre-processor or post-processor
- Passing time series into and out of a submodel
- Sampling data: Using Monte Carlo to sample time series
- Lookup Tables: When these are a better choice over Time Series elements
- Overview of some Time Series analysis functions in our Model Library
Below is a video recording of the webinar presentation:
Download the model files used for this presentation:
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