GoldSim's Containers are necessary for all but the simplest of models. These are the elements we use to organize the model into a structure that can be understood by your audience and without them, the complexity of your model would be severely limited. Before we dive into leveraging Container properties, it is important that you understand their basic functionality.
In this webinar, I will demonstrate some important features and properties of the Container element that not only enhance the model but allow you to build a more scalable and readable model.
Below are the topics covered:
- Navigate Containers in the browser and graphics pane (shortcuts too)
- Localize Containers to represent objects with attributes
- Work with Exposed outputs
- Apply other properties such as Conditionality, Internal Clock, and Looping
- Enhance the visual impact of your model by using appearance options such as fill color, note pane, and custom element icon
💡 Jump to Unit 9 - Building Hierarchical Models of the online GoldSim Course for quick look at the fundamentals of Containers and be more prepared for the webinar.
Below is a video recording of the webinar presentation:
Here is a link to the model I used for the demonstration: Network of Interconnected Ponds
Also, here is another Example that I didn't use in the webinar but is a very useful feature of the Conditional Container:
Duration of Conditional Container
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