This webinar will introduce basic control methodologies for operating a gate that simulates outflows from a pond or reservoir. The first method I will demonstrate simply turns the flow on and off using feedback from measured water level. The following control methods will be demonstrated:
- Status
- Rating Curve
- Recession Constant applied to operating volume
- PID Controller
- Head Loss
Later, I will show how this can be expanded to delay the response to feedback changes by simulating the communication and reaction time of the operators controlling the real system.
Below is a video recording of the webinar presentation:
Download Model Files
Model files used in this presentation can be downloaded from our library:
- Reservoir Discharge Controlled by Status
- Reservoir Discharge Controlled by Rating Curve with Level Target
- Reservoir Discharge Controlled by Recession Constant
- Reservoir Discharge Controlled by Outlet with Head Losses
- Reservoir Discharge - PID Controller
- Spillway Multiple Gates
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