In simulating transport, it is common to model microorganisms in the same way as reactions by using a time dependent relationship. To do this in GoldSim, you would like the microorganism relationship into the decay rate entry for the species. An example of this is provided in the "Materials" container.
This example uses the Monod function to simulate the growth of microbes or "bugs". Microbes require oxygen in their metabolism and often come into play in contamination cleanup for removal of hydrocarbons. In this situation the microbes would consume hydrocarbons and oxygen. The availability of hydrocarbons and oxygen then provides for microbe growth which is represented by the Monod function in this example. The removal of the "contaminant" is represented by the decay rate for the contaminant in this example and then "bugs" or microbes are the daughter product of this decay.
To Open the Model File:
- Start GoldSim
- Click on the File and select Open Example...
- Browse to General Examples --> Contaminant Transport Examples
- Select the file called Monod.gsm
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