The main output of both reliability elements is a value type output that provides the element's current status. This is not a vector output, and as such, it only displays the highest numbered status value.
The states are:
0 - Operating
1 - Preventive maintenance
2 - Internal requirements not met
3 - External requirements not met
4 - Turned off
5 - Parent not operating
This model shows situations that can lead to the different element status values. There are three elements - a Parent element, a Child element and an External element. The Parent element has an external requirement node that references the External element, and an internal requirement node that references the Internal element.
At the start of the simulation, the External, Parent and Child elements are off. This means that the status of the External element is 4. However, the Parent and Child element are more complex because they are actually experiencing multiple states. The Parent element is initially off (4), has unmet external requirements (3), and unmet internal requirements (2). The Parent element outputs the value of the lowest numbered state it is experiencing (in this case, 2). The Child element is off (4) and its parent is also off (5), so it displays a status of 4.
- After one year has passed, the Child element is turned on. Its status changes to 5 (as it is only experiencing the parent off state), and the status of the Parent changes to 3 (it is now off and has unmet external requirements).
- At 2 years, the External element is turned on. Its status changes to 0 (operating), and the Parent's status changes to 4 (off). The Child element's status is unchanged, as the parent is still off.
- At 3 years, the Parent element is turned on. Its status changes to 0 (as it is now able to operate). The Child's status now changes to 0, as the Parent element is now operating.
- At 4 years, the Parent experiences a failure and its status changes to 2 (since the failure was specified as being fatal to the component). The External element is unaffected, but the Child element changes to 5 (parent element not operating).
- At 5 years, the Parent begins a 1 year preventive maintenance event. The Parent's status switches to 1, and the Child element's status remains at 5. The External element is unaffected. When the repair is completed (at 6 years), the statuses of the Parent and the Child elements change to 0.
To Open the Model File:
- Start GoldSim
- Click on the File and select Open Example...
- Browse to Reliability Examples
- Select the file called Status.gsm
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