Simple Backup Model
The simplest method of modeling a standby system is to use the "Stop Operating" output of the first component to start the standby system. When the primary component is repaired, the primary component's "Start Operating" output can be used to turn the standby system back off.
In this model, the Primary element has a normally distributed mean time to failure of 6 months, with a standard deviation of 1 month. Failures are repaired according to a Gamma distribution with mean 1 month and a standard deviation of 1 week. The backup element has no failure modes.
This Time History element shows the status of the Primary and Backup element during the course of the simulation. It is more meaningful if displayed on a realization by realization basis.
Advanced Backup Model
This is a more complex version of the same system, with Action elements representing the control systems involved in starting up and shutting down the Backup system.
While these two Action elements have no failure modes (these could be easily added if desired), the control systems only have a reliability of 0.9 each. The actions are triggered by the StopOperating and StartOperating outputs of the Primary_1 element, and the Backup_1 element is turned on and off by the ActionOK output of the Backup_On and Backup_Off elements.
This Time History element shows the status of the Primary and Backup element during the course of the simulation. It is more meaningful if displayed on a realization by realization basis.
To Open the Model File:
- Start GoldSim
- Click on the File and select Open Example...
- Browse to Reliability Examples
- Select the file called Backup.gsm
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