One of the advanced features in GoldSim is the ability to create and interact with Resources. A Resource is something that has a limited supply (e.g., spare parts, fuel, skilled personnel, money) and is required in order for elements of the modeled system to carry out certain actions. For example, in order for a manufacturing process to proceed, perhaps two different parts and a skilled operator must be available. This could be modeled by defining an Event Delay (to represent the process) with three Resource requirements that must be met in order for the element to process the event.
Resources can be used with Conditional Containers, Triggered Events, Event Delays, Discrete Change Delays and Reliability Elements (in both the RL Learner and RL Professional editions).
Resources are set up (and certain results are viewable) through the Resources dialog, which can be accessed by going to Model|Resources... under the main menu (or by pressing F8).
To Open the Model File:
- Start GoldSim
- Click on the File and select Open Example...
- Browse to General Examples and select the file called Resources.gsm
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