Hi! I'am using Muskingum Cunge River Routing application provided. I used the default number of subreaches (=20) and compared the routed hydrograph with the HEC-RAS output. The GoldSim resulted in a shifted hydrograph compared to HEC-RAS. When I reduced the number of sub reaches to 10, I got almost the exact result. Watching the related webinar about it, I think that number of sub reaches assigned to 'array labels' at the beginning should not change the result, in other words the script element together with recursive loop in 'numerical muskingum' should pick the correct hydrograph based on 'Dx'. Therefore I believe it should be related to DT which is given to be 1 hr in the provided model. What I'am asking is based on what should I choose DT? In my model the tilmestep length is 1 hr which is the same as DT.
Thank you in advance