Hello! I'am having a really hard time understanding how to represent my model in GoldSim. I want my model to get input data for discharge measurements obtained from various station locations throughout the basin and give me the estimations for downstream discharge. How can I represent these discharges in different river tributaries? In other words using what elements do I represent the stations and their time series measurements for discharge at various locations? Also, how can I make a forecasting in GoldSim in general (parameter estimation)? Rather than using numerical solutions.
If you are working with time series data of historical measurements, then the first step is to get that data into GoldSim. I recommend that you walk through the Time Series Lesson of the Introduction to GoldSim Course. In fact, I recommend that you take the entire course before building your first model.
Lesson 5 - Defining Time Series - GoldSim
Once you have the data in your model, you can use various elements to route the flows. If you just need to add the flows without any routing, then you could just use the Sum element to add the flows as the drainages converge into each other. If you have a time series record of total flows downstream of confluences, then you should only use that data for comparison and calibration instead of forcing functions. Rather than input driving the flows in the model, these types of time series will be used to compare your calculated flow (adding upstream tributaries) to the measured downstream flow.
If you need to perform hydrologic functions in your model such as calculating infiltration, routing, etc., then you will need to build that functionality or use a separate hydrological simulation tool (like USACE HEC HMS or similar) to calculate the flows then import those into your model. We do offer some rainfall runoff example models built in GoldSim that you could incorporate into your models. Please see this article for a starting point:
Runoff Modeling in GoldSim – GoldSim Help Center
This is already a lot to understand so I will leave it at this and see if you find it helpful. Let us know if you have questions.
Hey Jason! Thank you so much for your answer. I followed and finished the basic GoldSim course and watched the webinars for routing applications. However what I can not fully understand is whether GoldSim has the functionality of forecasting downstream discharge based on the predictors of upstream discharge and/or other spatial characteristics of various upstream locations. Can I apply least squares estimation for example, to make a spatial analysis to find the parameters for the predictors. More specifically I want to apply machine learning algorithms for parameter estimation and I want to know what you recommend for such a model application? (such as integrating GoldSim with an outer programming software)
Okay I see now that you want to do something more complex. Typically, the type of streamflow modeling being done in a tool like GoldSim is to simulate the rainfall/runoff process and route flows downstream using a tool like the Sacramento Soil Moisture model or AWBM and route the flows either by simple adding or some routing function like Muskingum. They could calibrate the model to predict downstream flows based on the properties of the model used to characterize the watershed.
It is possible to use a Container that can loop (iterate) to solve a system of equations but it might be easier for you to rely on external code. For this, I would point you to some of these examples: DLLs and Scripts – GoldSim Help Center
GoldSim doesn't have any built-in functionality to do things like machine learning.
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