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    Rick Kossik

    Well there are actually multiple requests here.  Let me try to summarize them:

    1) Select a partial set of scenarios to run in the Scenario Manager.  I assume this is because it takes a while, and you do not want to come back and run one after the other manually.  You would like to "stack" them like the Run All does.  This would be a fairly easy thing for us to do I think.

    2) Use the DP Module when running multiple scenarios. The problem, of course, is that we have two dialogs that we somehow have to "merge" in this case: the DP dialog and the Scenario Manager.  I think we would basically need a way for the DP Module to access the scenarios.  All of this is a bit tricky of course because we are managing lots of data here: the data that is going back and forth between DP clients and the different scenarios (effectively, completely different runs).  To do this, we would basically need to stack the scenarios (running one and a time, and distributing the realizations). Will need to give this one some thought.

    3) You want to be able to run deterministic scenarios using the DP Module.  The DP Module itself is set up to run REALIZATIONS in parallel.  Conceptually, of course, running SCENARIOS in parallel would be fine, but practically, I think it it could be very difficult (i.e., would require lots of programming changes). This is because the data management would be very different from what we currently do (store and combine multiple realizations). 

    We will put our heads together on this...  Thanks for the suggestions!



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    Hoekstra, David

    Hi all,

    Really enjoying R14 and the cleanup of the Distributed Processing module.  In the intro to R14, you asked for any requests, so here goes.

    One thing that has been bugging me for a while (and forgot to bring up before) is that when running scenarios, you cannot use DP for anything other than the first Scenario run.  If I have multiple probabilistic scenarios, I can use DP to run one scenario (as a regular run) and store it as a scenario.  But then I have to use the scenario manager to make the rest of the runs, which does not give me access to DP tools.

    If there was an option on the DP dialog to access the scenarios, and let the DP module churn through them, that would be great and a huge run-time saver.  Probabilistic Scenario simulations are the biggest run time issue I have, and it would be great to be able to cut that run time down with DP.

    Also, it could address one of the issues that Paul brought up a while ago.  You could use this screen to select a partial set of scenarios to run instead of "one or all" option we currently have.  Would you be able to use it to run multiple deterministic scenarios with the DP module? 



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    Hoekstra, David

    Hi Rick, that breaks it down nicely.  I can see deterministic DP runs would be a bit complex, fair enough.  Always reaching a little bit farther  .... keeps you on your toes.  

    For item 1, I often have 'sets' of scenarios to evaluate, or out-dated ones that aren't relevant, but I can't quite screw up my courage to delete them yet.  Being able to check which ones to 'run some' instead of 'run all' would be handy

    For item 2, I think you covered it.  As a partial solution, could you access the DP dialog while you have scenario results stored?  So from edit mode, select a scenario, run it using DP and store the results as a scenario.  The model is now in Scenario Mode with one scenario saved.  Without resetting the scenario results, the user changes to a different scenario and accesses the DP dialog, it would let you run the current scenario but only be allowed to store the result as a scenario this time.  The user would be responsible for selecting and queuing the scenarios manually.  That would still be a big timesaver for lengthy probabilistic scenario runs even if GoldSim isn't automatically queuing up the next scenario.


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