Displaying mine years instead of calendar years on x-axis

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    Hi Shannon,

    Unfortunately, there is no way to start with anything other than time zero for an elapsed time model but you could fix the X axis to start at a value greater than 0 days by changing the Xaxis extents. But I can't think of a good solution for you to show values the way you need in the example (-2, -1, 1, 2, 3 etc). But I think you could pretty easily just export images of the charts into something like Power Point and just overlay the sequence of numbers you want.

    There is a kludgy workaround you might consider. Create a named array label set called "Mine_Years" like this:

    In the set above, the "N" denotes a negative year. Now that you have this array label set, you can integrate values into a vector Integrator and display them in an Array View Chart, which will look like the below example:

    This chart can be changed to a line chart if you type Ctrl-S:

    Here is the equation I use to put the time series output into annual bins:

    I won't be surprised though, if this solution is not adequate for you. In the end, you might need to stick with Excel for displaying time histories in this way.

    Let me know if you want a copy of this model that generates the plot above.



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    Shannon Hoekstra

    Hi Jason, 

    Thanks so much for the detailed response. Unfortunately I don't think this solution will work for me. I tried to set it up but I will need to use it for many different types of graphs (pond volume/elevation, concentration, flow rates, etc). I don't think it will work for everything. I think I will stick with exporting the data to excel. 



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    I agree this is not a very good solution for your case. Thanks for asking this in our forum. It might be useful for others to see this topic. 


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