Reporting a GodSim model



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    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for posting in the forum! This is a good question and an interesting use case that I've not considered before. I'm glad you already found the "Export Inventory" feature. Unfortunately, the model inventory can only show you the hierarchy of the model with names and descriptions of the elements so it won't tell you how expressions are referring to other outputs (their relationships). Our next version of GoldSim will be able to include Data definitions (their values) in the exported inventory but that still doesn't tell you the relationships. I can't think of a way to convert the relationships in expressions in text format.


    How complex are the models? Are they able to include most of the functionality in a single graphics pane or are the models spread out over many nested containers? If they can get a lot of the logic in a single graphics pane, then perhaps they can print off the screen to PDF to show the relationships. Something like shown in the screen capture below? 


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