MIne water balance - Exporting into Excel




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    Thanks for posting in the forum! You can export the start date by creating an Expression that references the Run Property called "~StartTime" as shown in the screen capture below.

    The end date could be captured in a similar expression except that you add the simulation duration to the start date as shown below:

    You will need to export these values using a Spreadsheet element.

    You can display these values on a dashboard but cannot control them on a dashboard. Please note however, that this is a new feature we plan to add to our next major release. We will let you know when this gets implemented.


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    Antoine Cogulet

    Thank you for your answer, that was helpful. I have also a bug in my model and maybe you can help me.

    My basic settings are as it follows

    Basic settings:

    Time: Calendar Time

    Duration: 24 months

    Start : 2020-01-01   00:00:00

    End : 2021-12-31   12:00:00


    Timestep settings

    Alignment: Start Time aligned

    Basic: No basic step

    Reporting major steps annually and minor steps monthly.

    I export all of my results in a spreadsheet. I use an offset control to offset row in my spreadsheet. Each month = one result, from 2020/01/01 to 2022/12/01. But unfortunately, it doesn't work as I would like. I tried different off set but none of them give me an export with one result by month. Often, I get two results for the same month or I skip a month.

    I tried to inspire form the exemple "Spreadsheet element" in the library by modifying"Once_Every_Ten_Days" to "Once_envery_month" but when I to do so, the exportation skips the month of February.


    Do you have any insight on how solve this problem?


    Thank you.



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    If you want to export time history results to Excel, the best way to do this is via the Time History result element. In your case, you will want to set up your result element with the "Time Display" set to "Reporting Periods". Next, set your Period Result that you want. It can be average, cumulative, period end, etc. Once you have your time history set up properly, you can set the result element to export, which you can read more about here.

    Does this help?


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