Linking copied model and dashboard




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    The key to preventing broken links with Result Elements and dashboards is to copy (if possible) the immediately-linked Elements with the Result Element or dashboard and paste them together. If you do this, it will preserve the links.

    So, a good practice when developing a model that contains modular components you want to be able to copy/paste and share/reuse between different models is to include an extra "layer" of Expression elements that are linked directly to (and can therefore be copied with) Dashboards and Result Elements. Then, Elements in the modular components that you want to be able to share or reuse should link into this extra layer of elements rather than directly to the Dashboards or Result Elements.

    I suppose in your case, this may be of limited use if you're dealing with models that have already been created by others who may or may not have followed the above-described strategy. But, in the creation of your own models, this is a good strategy to follow to make the components of your model reusable. It also helps in collaborative model building where you might be working on separate model files and then merging your own portions into a larger model. In this case, you want to think carefully about the "interfaces" between portions of the model and agree on Element-naming conventions. If you do it the right way, you should be able to copy/paste modular portions, press F9, and have it automatically form links with the interfacial "layers" of the larger model.

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    Thanks for the prompt response Ryan, the time differences is the reason for the delayed responses. I have tried the copy and pasting at the same time model component and dashboard. That works perfectly. I do appreciate. 

    I want to make sure I understand clearly, when you write "So, a good practice when developing a model that contains modular components you want to be able to copy/paste and share/reuse between different models is to include an extra "layer" of Expression elements that are linked directly to (and can therefore be copied with) Dashboards and Result Elements. "

    I am wondering how this really means, inside GoldSim where I have inputs linking to a data input inside module (data input value entered from dashboard)? Or in the case where I have result buttons linking to a time history in the module? Does that mean I have to have these results and inputs outside the container/module component and have the dashboards in the same. or should have dashboards in the same container? I am lost here. 

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    I just added a model to our library (created by Ryan recently) that demonstrates what is meant by "modular components". Please see the model posted here. Please have a look and let us know if it answers your questions.

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