GoldSim Help Page Not Found



1 comment

  • Official comment

    If this is the case, you need to update the GoldSim help file. To do so, please follow these steps:

    1. Close any currently running instances of GoldSim
    2. Download the latest version of the GoldSim.chm file by clicking on the link at the bottom of this article.
    3. Copy this file and paste it into your program directory.
      • This is the directory where the GoldSim application resides on your computer so you should find it here: 
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\GTG\GoldSim 12.1
      • if you are running a different version of GoldSim, please browse into the respective folder for that version
    4. Click "Replace the file in the destination" option 
    5. Click "Continue" when prompted to access the folder with admin permission 
    6. Now, start up GoldSim, open a dialog and click the Help button 
    7. You should see that the Help opens to the correct page. 

    If you still have problems opening GoldSim's Help this way, please let us know.


    Download the New GoldSim Help File for your respective version(s) of GoldSim:

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