Option to run selected groups of scenarios in Scenario Manager

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    This is an interesting idea. One question I have is whether this same functionality would need to be accessible on the dashboard control so that Player users can run groups of scenarios as well. We will talk about this idea internally and let you know our thoughts on this. 

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention!



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    I just had a thought. What if you built a dashboard that contains checkboxes with similar names as those used in your scenario manager so that a scenario actually represents a group of selections (scenarios in your current case)? I built a small prototype dashboard that follows this approach where you select a scenario and it chooses the same combination of inputs you are looking for. 

    The one drawback my approach has is that it only shows a single output for the combinations of inputs you are after while your approach would show you a unique result for each checkbox.

    Here is what you would see if you picked a different set of inputs (all check boxes are automatically updated when you choose the other scenario):

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