Hello, i have set up a simple test model as i continue my training. I entered precipitation in units of mm/month. I then calculate runoff and look at the accumulation in a basin (no outflow yet). The runoff (Basin01_Runoff) is calculating correctly but when i look at the daily flow accumulated in Basin01 per month, it does not equal the same value as if i were to just solve it with a simple equation. For example the basin_inflow rate for January is 632.1 m3/month. I can calculate the day 1 volume to be (632.1/31)*1d=20.39m3 but the value in Goldsim shows 20.77 m3. Is there an easy explanation for this? There are no unscheduled updates.
Official comment
You should generally never use a unit that involves mon. All units in GoldSim have a fixed definition. The unit mon is equal to 30.4375 days (an average month). The definition cannot change during the simulation. This is explained in this part of the Help system: https://help.goldsim.com/#!Modules/5/understandingunitsformonthandyear.htm
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