Very Small Numbers




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    Rick Kossik

    What version are you running?

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    Sanborn, Mike

    I realize that I don't have e-16 precision, so it's just a theoretical number, but it makes my outputs a little ownky. 

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    Sanborn, Mike

    I am running 14.0

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    Rick Kossik

    The issue is with the math library for the calculation of erfc.  However, we added a  new function for erfc (more accurate) in GoldSim 14, so I am surprised by this

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    Rick Kossik

    Can you add an if statement that sets it to 0 when it gets very small?  The erfc is tricky.  But in 14 we used a different function that was as accurate as Excel's representation

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    Rick Kossik

    Do you realize that GoldSim can compute lateral dispersion using the Plume function?

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    Sanborn, Mike

    When I set to 0 I get a divide by zero error, so I have an if then that puts in 1e-16.  It works well enough, now that I now the limitations of that particular set of calculations.    
    Unfortunately, I am obligated to use this particular model implementation.  Thanks for the prompt response.  GoldSim RULES!!!!!!!

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    Rick Kossik

    Just out of curiosity, what is the value of the argument to erfc when it hits the limit?

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    Sanborn, Mike


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    Rick Kossik

    Not surprised.  You are WAAAAAAY at the tail of that function

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    Sanborn, Mike

    Yeah.  It was a hidden issue for a while, because we weren't ever calculating way out there.  The end result of these calculations predict a theoretical concentration of a contaminant  min soil that cannot physically exist, so it's really a non issue.  Thanks for your help

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