Stuck on "Looking for local license"



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    If you are using GoldSim on a computer that has other Flexera licensed software installed, there is a chance that these other applications are causing "orphan anchors" to accumulate on the license service. To clear the orphan anchors, follow the steps below with admin privileges. 

    1. Download this zip file 
    2. Save the zip file and unzip it somewhere on your computer (i.e. My Documents or Desktop)
    3. Start up a command prompt as administrator by right-clicking on the Windows Start menu and selecting "Command Prompt (Admin)   
    4. Change directories to the location of those files from step 2
    5. Type this command:
      installanchorservice.exe GTG FNP_ANCHOR_ORPHAN_FIX  
      You should see a message indicating success: 

      Successfully installed anchor service for publisher GTG, product FNP_ANCHOR_ORPHAN_FIX    Success code 2001: The currently installed service is older than the new service so it has been upgraded...

    6. Type this command: 
      tsreset_app.exe -logreport verbose
    7. Type this command: 
      tsreset_app.exe -anchors orphan  
      You should see a message indicating that orphans have been reset. 

      Performing anchor reset operation, please wait...    Orphan anchors have been reset.

    8. Try starting GoldSim again

    9. If GoldSim still does not start up successfully at this point, please contact us for further support.
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