Using TBL_inverse function on 2D look up table




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    Rick Kossik

    This function only works on 1D Tables. 

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    Robin MacDonald

    Hi, would it be possible to see an example for how to use TBL_inverse with a 1D table? I cannot find any examples online.

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    Rick Kossik

    An example model which illustrates the inverse function (TableFunctions.gsm) can be found in the General Examples/LookupTable folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

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    Madeline Merck

    Is there a workaround for this other than the following:!Modules/5/buildingadynamiclookuptable1.htm. Both options will be clunky for my use. I have a pool with geometry that changes over time and will need to 1) interpolate between both the rows and the columns, and 2) use the table in both directions (i.e., typical fashion and TBL_inverse). Suggestions? 

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    What about the workaround of doubling the number of 2D lookup tables so you don't have to perform a reverse lookup? For example, instead of 1 lookup table for Volume-Elevation over time, create 2 Tables:

    • Volume_Elevation()
    • Elevation_Volume()

    That way, you can still perform lookup functions that extend beyond the bounds of the table data.

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