This is the GoldSim implementation of the WGEN PAR Program originally written by Dee Allen Wright in 1983. The FORTRAN IV source code was translated directly to GoldSim with a couple of differences(1). The purpose of the model is to generate rainfall and other climate generation parameters that are needed to run WGEN. Enter time series data for rainfall, min and max temperature, and radiation (found in the file called "WGEN PAR TS.xlsx" located in the same directory of the model). Run the model from the start time that the time series data begins and end time that the time series data ends. After the model runs, it will automatically export the parameters to an Excel file named "WGEN PAR.xlsx".
Version update:
Version 1.002
Version update:
version 1.008
1. Added support for units so data can be entered in terms of metric or English units
2. Results are displayed in these unit terms as well so they can be easily copied over to WGEN in terms of these same units
Version update:
version 1.009
1. Fixed issue with precip data export
Version update:
Version 1.010
1. Exposed site latitude on the dashboard
Version update:
version 1.013
We show the units for precip, temp, and radiation on the dashboard but need to only show the units that apply to the chosen system (imperial vs metric). This change is only cosmetic and affects the user interface. Below is a screen capture of this part of the dashboard.
Sir i want academic lisence of this wgen model for my academic research project. i am a BSC gelogical engineering student in UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY LAHORE PAKISTAN. Kindly answer it as soon as possible.
Rafay, Please fill this out: GoldSim Academic Application Form - GoldSim
Hi, I'm new here. Which version of Goldsim Player does this work with? I have used 12.1 and 14.0.
The file still downloads as a .gsm, and I tried opening it as a .gsm and as a .gsp (manually changing extension), but no dice. I get an error message:
"Goldsim player cannot open this model file! It was generated in an older product version of Goldsim.
Please convert the Goldsim model (*.gsm) to the new version and regenerate the Player model file (*.gsp)"
Sorry about that! I just updated the WGEN PAR.gsm file (on this article) to be compatible with GoldSim 14. You will need to install and use GoldSim 14 to use this model. Are you trying to run WGEN PAR?
I used goldsim player 14, not plain goldsim 14. I assume goldsim needs a subscription? I tried GS Player 12.1 right after i posted above.
I have redownloaded WGEN PAR.gsm, and now i see an error in GSP 14:
"Loading model file WGEN PAR.gsm failed. An error occurred while loading global data."
Is the problem simply that I am trying to run this in GS Player?
Ah. I checked the comments in this link and see that I need true GoldSim, not GoldSim Player.
Damn, I was super hopeful about this when I saw the gs player title and .gsp extension in the screenshots. Unfortunately won't work in Trial version of GS due to the 50 element limit
I just uploaded Player versions of both WGEN and WGEN PAR models. Have a look and see if they work okay for you.
Whoa! It worked Jason, I was able to open in GSP 14. This is awesome stuff. Thank you for the upload!
Version update:
version 1.024
1. Fixed issue with handling of negative temperatures by converting everything to Kelvin on the front end.
Version 1.030
1. Temperature output parameters on the dashboard are now converted to units of F or C, depending on the user's selection to facilitate copy-pasting values into WGEN input interface.
Hi Jason,
A quick question: Is that a different hydrological year that could affect this model?
Looking forward to hearing you back. :)
If you are asking if a different time period can be used for the input data for WGEN PAR, then the answer is certainly yes. But it is recommended that you use at least 20 years of daily recorded values in your input time series. Does this help?
Hi Jason,
Thanks for clearing this for me. I actually made a mistake on rainfall correction. As I was dealing with S.I unit, I forgot to convert into US customary for the observed data. :)
Version 1.045
Model was updated to export all values (including stats of observed TS records) to an Excel file called "WGEN PAR.xlsx" which is used directly as the input for WGEN.gsm.
Version 1.052
Model was simplified to work in metric units only! After some feedback from customers regarding questions about how to work with units, I concluded that it would be safer to assume metric units for the incoming time series data sets and avoid all the unit conversions that are necessary to allow for a choice between English and Metric. Instead, this model now requires that the input data is converted to Metric before entering it into the model. No change was made to the underlying structure. Testing shows that the results still match well with the original FORTRAN documentation.
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