Australian Water Balance Model (AWBM)




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    AWBM version 1.002 added: 

    Version Report
    1. Fixed typo in Surface Stores
    2. Re-organized some elements in the graphics pane
    3. Rename "Runoff_Rate" and "Total_Runoff" for clarity
    4. Revise some element descriptions for better clarity

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    Model version 1.007 released on Dec 20, 2018

    Version Report

    1. Changed the Precipitation and ET_Potential time series to represent "instantaneous value" as a rate in mm/d for easier incorporation into other models.

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    Model version 1.009 released on May 3, 2019

    Version Report

    1. A user interface was added so that Player users can edit and run AWBM
    2. Added a warning if the model time step is different from K_Step constant
    3. Updated the schematic
    4. Added reporting periods
    5. Changed simulation type to deterministic

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    Model version 1.011 released on August 1, 2019

    Version Report

    1. The model parameter "k-step" was exposed on the dashboard so player users can adjust the model's time step and make the same change to this factor, which will impact the recession coefficients for surface and baseflow.

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    Model version 1.013 released on September 27, 2019

    Version Report

    1. Expose the initial states of all storage elements on the dashboard, including surface stores, baseflow store, and the surface runoff store. This initial state provides a way to provide the initial state of soil moisture in the watershed at the beginning of the simulation (elapsed time = 0.0 day)
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    Model version 1.017 released on Oct 29, 2021

    Version Report

    1. Add minimum threshold for the recession stores such that the outflow flushes the quantity from the store if the store drops below this threshold. This will prevent the stores from holding a very small quantity that is less than a single precision floating point value.
    2. Add mass balance calculations to check to make sure that: inflow - outflow - change in storage ~= 0 mm
    3. I found the validation time series contained incorrect data for years following 1975 so I ran RRL Toolkit again and loaded this model with new data for comparison. Validation was successful on 10/29/2021.
    4. Added GoldSim 14 features: Reset model button and start/end dates controlled in the dashboard.
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    Model version 1.019 released on Feb 2, 2022

    Version Report

    1. Removed the upper and lower bounds from the surface store, baseflow, and surface runoff stores. The purpose is to prevent AWBM from inserting unscheduled time steps in the model it is used in.
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    Version 1.022

    Change Report:

    1. Simplified the interface for efficient use in other models. Now, you can just copy the AWBM Container and paste it directly into your model without carrying forward all the auxiliary components like Dashboards, testing, mass balance check, and extra results.
    2. A separate model (also can be downloaded from this article) is retained for verification testing and is called "AWBM_Verification.gsm"
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    Now, in GoldSim 15, you can print a version report. Below, is a print of versions since the last reported, with redundant information removed.

    GoldSim Version Report
    GoldSim Version: 15.0.0257
    Current Date: 02/10/25 10:28:45
    Model File: C:...\AWBM.gsm

    Included Versions: 7 of 29

    Version 1.028: Update documentation for runoff components
    Created by: Jason 
    Created on: 02/10/25 09:12:54
    Description: Updated documentation for both Baseflow and Surface Runoff equations to include a 0.05 mm cutoff. This threshold prevents numerical instability from near-zero withdrawal rates due to the asymptotic behavior inherent in the volume-dependent calculations.

    Version 1.027: Improved Surface Stores functions
    Created by: Jason 
    Created on: 02/10/25 09:00:05
    Description: Revised Time_to_Next calculation to filter out very small differences between DT and TimestepLength. If( abs(DT - TimestepLength) <= 1 minute, DT is used instead of the raw difference. This prevents near-zero denominators in the overflow equation, avoiding runaway spikes during unscheduled events.

    Version 1.026: Upgraded to GoldSim 15
    Created by: Jason 
    Created on: 01/27/25 15:48:56
    Description: <none>

    Version 1.025: Allow for changing the basic time step of the model
    Created by: Jason 
    Created on: 05/21/24 14:44:53
    Description: Added new parameter "DT" for defining the basic time step of the time series data and simulation settings. This replaces the use of "1 day" used before and allows the model to work using any time step.

    Version 1.024: Update display units
    Created by: Jason 
    Created on: 05/16/24 09:53:47
    Description: Updated display units to be metric

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